Larry Smith

Early Years
Born in Southern CA and raised in Redondo Beach, he has been a San Pedro resident for 36 yrs. He attended both SCROC (Southern CA Regional Occupational Center) Trade School and El Camino College earning his AA in Computer Operations.
Early employed positions included working at the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance helping develop the technology for their circulation system. Then Computer Science Corp as Assistant Quality Assurance Manager. Last employed position was with Ryan McFarland doing Quality Assurance of software compiliers for Cobol, Fortran and Basic computer programming languages.
Larry and his wife raised their two children in San Pedro. Both his kids became involved in Youth Soccer, and as he played soccer for many years himself, he decided to become a volunteer coach. After many years he was asked to be the Boys Team Commissioner for the San Pedro Youth Soccer Organication (AYSO).
As Commissioner, teams he oversaw ranged from 10-17 yo and included 30 teams. He was responsible for the coaching staff, draft and scheduling. After about 4 years, he decided to become a referee. After completing referee training, he spent about 2 years being a referee.
K&L Computer Technologies was founded in 1986 in San Pedro. Initial services were offered to both home and business users and included custom built workstations and servers, network implementation and management and personalized training. In 1990 with the advent of the world wide web and web sites, the company started web site hosting and web design. June 2009 K&L merged with PC Nerds and 2013 the name was changed to Team Nerds to indicate we support the Apple Community and continued growth of the Company to a Team of people.
Former Certifications Held:
- Certifiied Novell Engineer (CNE)
- Microsoft Small Business Specialist
- Computer Associates Internet Business Consultant
- Computer Associates Certified Accounting Systems Installer
Community Organizations
In the 1990’s Larry was an active member of the San Pedro Rotary Club. He served on the Board of Directors for several years and was a member for approximately 7 years.
Larry was very active in Youth Soccer (see family) and served on the Board of Directors of the San Pedro American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO).
He was a past member of the Redondo Beach outrigger canoe racing team (Lanakila).
Larry got into bowling because of his Dad, who would occasionally take the family bowling and continues to be a fond memory. He was member of a Junior Bowling League as a kid. After raising his family and having more free time, he formed a Bowling Team of which he is at present Captain. Last year, 2021, his Team won the League Championship!
As a kid his Dad would ride a junker motorcycle around the neighborhood, a big guy riding a little bike with a flag emblem on his helmet – always such a funny sight. He used one as transportation as a young adult. After raising his own family, he finally purchased a Harley and the rest is history! He is now a member of Bartels Los Angeles Chapter #1 Harley Owners Group, Road Captain and Board Member.

Adam Haley
Telecommunications & Cabling Guru
Adam brings over 35 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. He has had Design and Engineer positions with Companies such as Pacific Bell, AT&T, MetroCall Paging, Adelphia Cable, ADT Alarm to name a few. He has extensive expertise in cabling, telephone systems installation and configuration, CCTV, surveillance and security systems, VOIP implementations and alarms. He also brings expertise and ability to quote and provide installation on fiber optic.
He enjoys working on cars in his spare time and relaxing!

Zoe F Sun
Web Extraordinaire; Network Systems & Cloud Administrator Microsoft 365
Zoe has been in the Technology sector for more years then she wants to admit! Previously held positions include Corporate Wide Area Network Manager, Systems Administration and Training, Help Desk Support, Website Design. Presently enjoying helping Team Nerds be a leading local California small business. In her spare time she is also a Medical Doctor, motorcycle rider (Sportster!) and loves sports. ∂